Seek: The Inspiration
When I was 14 years ago a gentleman came into my junior high and shared a slide show of hundreds of photos and told stories of his grand, global travels. He had just finished traveling the world with this family for the past four years and his photos and stories truly opened my eyes to a whole world I knew little about. I grew up in rural Nova Scotia with limited travel experience and in a time before the internet. His photos changed my whole life and in that moment I told myself I would travel the world and experience things I had never even imagined. And that’s what I did. When I graduated high school I packed my bag and headed overseas where I began my first around the world trip.
My first backpacking trip: Israel, 1999
In between completing University, starting a career, getting married, and having children, I circled the globe 3 times and traveled to over 80 countries, with a combined time of 3.5 years. I travelled to the depths of the Amazon Jungle, to African safaris, from the peaks of the Himalayas to the the tropical beaches of South East Asia, and many places in between. During these travels I had amazing opportunities to connect with people from all over the world and share in beautiful moments. I use to dream of creating my own destination one day, and welcoming people from all over the world to my own special place.
Lombok, Indonesia
It was through traveling the globe and experiencing breathtakingly beautiful places that I realized one of my favourite places was right in my hometown: Victoria Park. When I moved back to Truro in 2011 I began spending more and more time in the Park and exploring it 12 months of the year and I truly fell in love with this old growth forest in the heart of Truro.
Snowshoeing, Victoria Park
Victoria Park, Truro
Victoria Park is large, 3000 acres park, and is a stunning place with something for everyone with endless places to explore. I have watched first hand the popularity of the Park grow and a seed began to grow in my mind: I could create a destination that welcomed people to the Park year-round and share the place I love.
golden hour on Victoria Park trails, Truro
I am inspired by the places I’ve travelled and the people I have met. I am also inspired by the visitors to the Park, all the people that volunteer on trail maintenance, and those who are yet to visit. I am truly so excited to share the Park and Town that I love with locals and international travellers! I am still marvelling in the fact that I am building my own destination with year-round shipping container cabins, yurts and back country camp sites, all nestled on beautiful Victoria Park.
Seek is a place for everyone, and I cannot wait to welcome you!